Friday, October 26, 2007

Blackwater is a gay and lesbian issue

Blackwater is an issue of compelling interests to gays and lesbians, according to some gay activists. One of them posted a poll on a "Gay/Lesbian Forum" titled, "Should Blackwater be Investiaged?" We think the pollster meant "Investigated," but anyway. . .

The lesbian Avalon Farm Blog sings the praises of Henry Waxman for his probe. Blogette Stealth Lesbian has a constant rant against Blackwater and the Catholic Church, among other things. TPMMuckraker is obsessed that the head of Blackwater is a "gay hater" and that the secretary of state is a lesbian, and somehow finds a connection between it all. The San Diego Democratic Party, which considers Blackwater a partisan issue, passed resolutions slamming Blackwater and pushing gay causes. Gay Species doesn't like those hunky boys at Blackwater but appears to have a thing for Jeremy Scahill.

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