Friday, October 26, 2007

Blackwater one of 'Fascist private agencies'

Lyndon LaRouche's foil-hatters call Blackwater one of the world's "fascist private agencies" bent on "global warfare."

The Executive Intelligence Review tries to link a tattooed sheriff in Loudoun County, Virginia who's against illegal immigration to "mercenaries gone murderous-wild in Iraqi streets." "The Blackwater scandal ripped through Congress, as Washington was haunted by the specter of global warfare to be run by fascist private agencies," according to the report.

The Executive Intelligence Review is run by LaRouche (pictured).

Naturally there's a big conspiracy behind it all: "This is the agenda of British System über-financiers Felix Rohatyn and George Shultz, as implemented by Dick Cheney's and Donald Rumsfeld's 'Revolution in Military Affairs.'" Congressman Waxman oughtta look at this one quick!

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